Entrained dust originating from mining, quarry and demolition sites can create occupational health and safety hazards for workers. Dust also has environmental consequences for the surrounding environment and neighborhood. Hazardous airborne dust, containing possibly silica or asbestos, can be generated in the mining and demolition process. Crushers, shredders, grinders, separators and bailers all have the potential to produce entrained dust.
Obnoxious and potentially hazardous odour at waste transfer stations, composting sites and landfills have the potential to create health hazards for workers and reduce the quality of life for the surrounding community. With air quality a primary health and environmental concern, many government agencies, shires and municipalities enforce clean air regulations.
Using a Monsoon mist cannon will:
The Benefit of Owning a Buffalo Turbine Monsoon Wet mist suppression is one of the best methods for controlling and reducing dust and odours. By creating a wall of micron size atomized fluid droplets, fugitive airborne dust particles are instantly knocked out of entrainment, become heavier and drop to the ground.